Friday, December 27, 2013

Poem # 3

O under the ocean waves
I gallop the seaweed lanes,
I jump the coral reef,
And all with no saddle or reins.
I haven't a flowing mane,
I've only this horsy face,
But under the ocean waves
I'm king of the steeplechase.
By Blake Morrison

Poem # 2

How I wish
I were a fish!
My day would begin
Flapping my fins.
I'd make a commotion
Out in the ocean.
It would be cool
To swim in a school.
In the sea,
I'd move so free,
With just one thought:
Don't get caught!
by Meish Goldish

Poem I found...

I Love to …
I love to go to the beach,
I love to play in the sun,
I love to splash in the water,
I love having fun.
Jill Eggleton, Now I Am Five: Rhymes to Read